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Welcome to TokSearch DIII-D

TokSearch is a Python package for parallel retrieving, processing, and filtering of arbitrary-dimension fusion experimental data. TokSearch provides a high level API for extracting information from many shots, along with useful classes for low level data retrieval and manipulation.

This is the documentation for the DIII-D TokSearch package. For the general TokSearch documentation, please visit the TokSearch documentation page.


TokSearch DIII-D is available on the ga-fdp conda channel.

In the near future, we will provide a way to install TokSearch directly from PyPI using pip.

Installation with Conda in an existing environment

To install in an existing conda environment, run:

conda install -c ga-fdp -c conda-forge toksearch_d3d

or equivalently

conda install -c conda-forge ga-fdp::toksearch_d3d

You can substitute mamba for conda if you prefer.

Installation with Conda in a new environment

Optionally, you can create a new environment:

mamba create -n toksearch_d3d -c ga-fdp -c conda-forge toksearch_d3d

Installation from Source

At the moment, the cleanest way to install TokSearch from source is to first set up a Conda/Mamba environment with the required dependencies, and then install TokSearch from the local clone of the repository. Here are the steps:

First, clone the repository, then from the root directory of the repository, run:

mamba env create -f environment.yml


conda env create -f environment.yml

You can also specify the -p flag to specify the path to the environment. For example:

mamba env create -f environment.yml -p /path/to/env

Then, activate the environment:

conda activate toksearch # or whatever you named the environment

Finally, install TokSearch itself:

pip install -e .